Pioneer Award

2026 IOR Pioneer Award Nominations:

The deadline for nominations for the 2026 IOR Pioneer Award is August 31, 2025. Nominations should be emailed to Randy Seright at The nomination must consist of a letter that details why the nominee should receive the award. A resume and/or list of nominee publications will be helpful, but is not required. Keep in mind that the selection committee is looking for individuals who are responsible for the most significant advances in Improved Oil Recovery, especially those with sustained efforts over an extended period. Awards will be made at the 2026 SPE IOR Conference in Tulsa, April 2026.

Congratulations to the IOR 2024 Pioneer Award Recipients

Varadarajan Dwarakanath

Varadarajan Dwarakanath

Baojun Bai

Baojun Bai

Mojdeh Delshad

Mojdeh Delshad

Stephane Jouenne

Stephane Jouenne

IOR 2024 Pioneer Awards Committee

Randy Seright, New Mexico Tech, Chair

Bob Enick, University of Pittsburgh

Rick Hutchins, Gel Solutions International

Gary Jerauld, BP Retired

Bill Rossen, Delft University Emeritus

Past Pioneers


Torsten Clemens
Russell T. Johns
Clarence A. Miller
Tadeusz W. Patzek


Dr. Paul L. Bondor
Jill S. Buckley
Robert M. Enick
Clayton J. Radke


Anil K. Ambastha
Tor Austad
M.R. Fassihi
Gary Jerauld
Sunil Kokal
Patrick McGuire


Richard Donald Hutchins
Sadanand D. Joshi
Jenn-Tai Liang
Lanny Schoeling
Ali A. Yousef


Dr. Betty Felber
Dr. S.A. (Raj) Mehta
Dr. Karl Miller
Dr. Ahmad Moradi
Dr. Norman R. Morrow


Chun Huh
Brij Maini
Malcom Pitts
Bill Rossen


Jeff Jones
Dr. R. Gordon Moore
Demin Wang
David Zornes


Dr. Dwight L. Dauben
Dr. Kishore K. Mohanty
Dr. Randall Scott Seright
Dr. Kenneth S. Sorbie
Dr. Michael R. Todd


Jae H. Bae
Don W. Green
Hossein Kazemi
Franklin M. Orr
Gary A. Pope


Phillip J. Closmann
Harry Surkalo
G. Paul Willhite


Howard Ferrell
S.M. Farouq Ali
W.L. ‘Bill’ Martin
George L. Stegemeier
W.C. ‘Carey’ Hardy


Bob Barnett
Larry W. Lake
Richard ‘Dick’ Nelson
Burton ‘Burt’ B. Sandiford


William E. Brigham
C. Robert Fast
George J. Hirasaki
Thomas K. Perkins


Robert S. Schechter
Lowell R. Smith
Ben Sloat
Fred J. Stalkup


J.C. Melrose
Necmettin Mungan


Ted R. Blevins
R.C. Earlougher
Henry J. Ramey Jr.
Arlie M. Skov


W. Barney Gogarty
John P. Heller
Joseph J. Taber


E.R. Brownscombe
Elmond L. Claridge
H.R. Froning
R.L. Reed


Robert J. Blackwell
Ben H. Caudle
Lincoln F. Elkins
Claude R. Hocott
Michael Prats


Francis R. Conley
Lloyd E. Elkins
Ted M. Geffen
L.W. Holm
Howard A. Koch Jr.
Fred H. Poettmann
R. Vincent Smith
P.L. Terwilliger
L.W. Welch Jr.
Philip D. White

2020 IOR Pioneer Awards Video